The Honey Do Carpenter

Hey Guys and Gals, Welcome all.
Our You Tube channel and our website are a family friendly forum for the free exchange of ideas.
We are your typical All American family and we reside in rural Eastern Idaho. My name is Darwin. I am 47 years old. My background consists of growing up in a small rural farming community in western Idaho. I spent four years in the military and served overseas during two foreign conflicts. The bulk of my passions are driven from my 25 years of experiences in the construction and Geotechnical Engineering industries. I am married to my beautiful wife, Melanie. We were married 17 years ago in 2001.
Melanie is 38 years old and keeps me young. Melanie's background consists of growing up in a small rural farming community in Eastern Idaho. Melanie's main experiences on a professional level have been in the medical field, early on as a EMT and more recently as a program director overseeing the rehabilitation programs for disabled people who reside in group homes and require different sorts of living assistance throughout the course of their life. Melanie is the best wife and mother a man and three kids could ever hope for. Melanie's professional and personal experiences are marked by a great deal of compassion and patients. Melanie is now a full time mom to our three children. Kyliauna, 13 years old. Dartanian, 5 years and Tyndareus, 3 years.
Our philosophy is simple.
- Love life as it is in the now.
- Be extremely grateful for the blessings you currently enjoy.
- Focus on what you want.
- Never focus on what you don't have.
- Steer your focus far away from the rear view mirror of life.
- Visualize your tomorrows as you wish them to be.
- Dream as if there are no limits to what you can accomplish.
- Then begin creating.
- Create your future as you wish it to be starting from where you are right now.
- Be fearless in the knowledge that there will be obstacles and set backs, and just do it anyway.
- Take the first step. Then another and another. As your own faith in yourself incrementally grows over time You will be surprised how far you can go. Your belief systems with concern to your own potential will totally change.
- Awesome!!! Now lets build something!!!
The Honey Do Carpenter