Just as described. Assembling other parts to give a fuller review!
Low Cost Foam Mate Aircrete Foam Generator for sale

The FOAM MATE is a great way to make Air Crete. The benefits of air crete are: insulative, lighter than standard concrete mixes, use less concrete for the same project. The Foam Mate works by adding air into the concrete mix so you can fine-tune how porous your end product is. Once you have experimented with the ratios of ingredients you can create a product for your own particular build.
Our first project will use the air crete in the heat riser of a rocket mass heater. Rocket mass heaters get hot enough to melt steel so the mix had to be just right AND very light weight (it is being used in a movable tiny house).
Watching videos on youtube we are excited to try the Foam Mate on the projects others have show us such as: homes, patio, fence, preform bricks, fire pits, outbuildings, porch with out door kitchen. What would you use it for?
Air Crete has many uses, the air crete tool can be used over and over. Darwin had a lot of fun building this. Hope you do also.
- Insulation
- Structural
- Art
- Pest Repellent
- Car Wash Soaper
- Buy Now - $188.00
Aircrete Foam Generators
If you are looking for a Low Cost Foam Mate Aircrete Foam Generator for Sale, the Honey Do Carpenter Shop has got them!
... more general info here ...
Aircrete for Insulation
Aircrete ...
Structural Aircrete
Aircrete ...
Aircrete as Art
Aircrete ...
Aircrete as a Pest Repellent
Aircrete ...
The Foam Generator for Washing Your Car
Aircrete ...